This is an extended description of types in TypeScript.
List of Primitive Types in JavaScript
typ | Returned Type by typeof | Wrapper |
Null | "object" | - |
Undefined | "undefined" | - |
Boolean | "boolean" | Boolean |
Number | "number" | Number |
BigInt | "bigint" | BigInt |
String | "string" | String |
Symbol | "symbol" | Symbol |
In TypeScript, all of the above-mentioned types are dynamic types. This means that these are the only types that will be used during the execution of a computer program.
Object as a Dynamic Type but not a Primitive Type
Additionally, it should be noted that the Object type is a complex and dynamic type, meaning that the object type is also used at runtime in the execution of the program.
typ | Returned Type by typeof | Wrapper |
Object | "object" | - |
Two Levels of the Language: Dynamic and Static
Dynamic Level
The dynamic level is 100% controlled by JavaScript. This is where variables are handled during program execution.
Static Level
The static, or lexical level, is 100% handled by TypeScript. All types are declared while writing the program by the developer. This is also where the type-checking system can verify the correctness of the type definition. Additionally, all static types only "exist" during compilation. Once the program is running, JavaScript takes control.
Here’s a simple example:
const value: number = 10;
Dynamically -> we use JavaScript to declare the variable value and initialize it with the numeric value 10.
Statically -> we use TypeScript to declare the type number.
Defining Types Using Type Expressions
A type expression is declared after a colon. Here are some example types:
Static Types for JavaScript's Dynamic Types
- undefined
- null
- boolean
- number
- bigint
- string
- symbol
- object
Types Specific to TypeScript
- Array
- any
- inne...
Type Inference
Sometimes, the type of a variable, function parameter, or return value doesn't need to be explicitly defined. Type inference is based on mathematical rules that can deduce the type.
If a variable, function parameter, or return type isn't explicitly declared and TypeScript can't infer the type, the variable defaults to the any type.
function toString(num: number) {
return String(num);
TypeScript can automatically infer that if we return String(num), we expect the type to be string.
Type Annotations
Let’s revisit and complete the code from the previous section.
function toString(num: number): string {
return String(num);
num: number -> this is a function parameter where num has the number annotation.
function toString(): string -> function declaration, where string is the annotation for the return type.
In TypeScript, you can also create an alias.
type Age = number;
const age: Age = 82;
List (Array)
We can declare a list in two ways:
let arr1: string[] = [];
let arr2: Array<string> = [];
A list has two properties:
- The list can only store values of the same type.
- The length of the list is dynamic and can change. The length depends on the programmer.
We declare a tuple as follows:
let point: [number, number] = [7, 5];
A tuple has two properties:
- It can store values of different types.
- The length of the tuple is fixed at the time of its declaration.