
The algorithm is different form of recipe


My notes from Bert Belder's talk on LIBUV

node.jsevent looplibuvlibeiolibev

3 November 2024

1330 words

7 min

These are my notes based on a talk by Bert Belder. Bert generally discusses how the event loop works, why libeio and libev were removed from Node.js, and why they were replaced with libuv. Bert also presents a simple use case and demonstrates implementation in libuv. He further explains what a request and a handle are.

Everything you should know about Value Object

12 October 2024

1326 words

7 min

In 2015, Ralph Johnson presented at Kraków's JDD with a talk titled 'Twenty-one Years of Design Patterns.' One of Ralph's key insights was that he didn't immediately include this pattern in the book 'Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.' This observation suggests that the Value Object is a very important element within the collection of design patterns. Jakub Pilimon and Sławomir Sobótka recommend searching for Value Objects in the code as a first step in refactoring. Additionally, Value Object is one of the core building blocks in Domain-Driven Design (DDD). In this article, we will explore the value of this design pattern.

KOMBAJN as the best opening lead system

3 July 2024

694 words

4 min

As Łukasz Sławiński mentions, his main goal was to create a opening lead system that would be as clear as possible for us, meaning those of us trying to defeat the contract. It turns out that there is an important correlation in the context of the readability of the opening lead system. The clearer the signaling system is for us, the proportionately clearer it is for the opponents. Given such a clear correlation, in order to defend as enigmatically as possible, we should stick to a natural opening lead system(sarcasm).